Get Rid of Man Boobs

Get Rid of Man Boobs - they are for women not men!

What are man boobs?

A significant number of men experience breast development (man boobs) Gynecomastia, which is the swelling of breast tissue on the chest. It most frequently occurs as a temporary situation during adolescence, as the result of shifting hormone balances in the body, and periodically as the result of drugs involving hormone changes in particular, if the body reduces (or scavenges) the testosterone it produces, the amount of estrogen in the system goes up, and this can trigger breast budding.

Man boobs are very embarrassing for men. It causes a lot of discomfort, on a psychological level, and can result in stigmatiziation. It can get so bad that you have to wear a specialized vest to compress the breast tissue down are sometimes worn under clothing and you never want to take off your shirt.

Diet and Exercise

It's important to note that male breasts are not always a symptom of obesity. Attempting to exercise them off doesn't always work especialy if you are just doing a regular fat loss workout. Though specific exercises can help by building up the the muscle group underneath the breast tissue. Diet (and altering ingestion of foods that can mimic estrogens) can also help.


Gynecomastia Surgery is a definite option and in the most extreme man boobs cases is the only solution. But as with any plastic surgery it comes with risk and it comes with a high price tag. That is why you should only consider surgery as a last resort. If you're interested in how the surgery works, here's the scoop. They either cut out your excess glandular tissue (if this is the primary cause of your man boobs) or they liposuction your exess breast fat (if your man boobs are due to excessive fatty tissue). After all is said and done your Gynecomastia surgery will cost around $3000 to $5000 dollars. One thing to remember is that this surgery is not covered by any medical insurance and will cause some scarring!

Best Way to Get Rid of Man Boobs

The safest way to get rid of man boobs comes down to eating the right foods and doing the right excercises and supplementing these with the right natural male breast reduction pills.
For example with your diet avoid estrogen-like compounds in your foods; these can come from heating plastics, believe it or not (a lot of plastic, when overheated, release phenols that can catch in estrogen receptors in the body), and from avoiding soy and almonds, both of which have estrogen-related compounds. You also want to make sure you are eating foods that specifically help to eliminate upper torso fat.

Exercises particularly those that focus on burning fat (such as interval workouts) and those that build up the chest muscle can help, but ultimately you need to get yourself on an exercise routine that is specificaly formulated to target man boobs.

As far as supplements, the only safe natural herbal supplement that treats the symptoms of gynecomastia is Gynexin. This is the only natural supplement that has show significant reduction of man boobs in tests. It targets the fat cells in your breasts and helps reduce both their size and quantity.


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