Nose Types - Personality, Ethnicity and Ancestry



What kind of nose do I have? What your nose says about you? These are some of the questions that keep on hitting your mind every time you look straight in the mirror before you. You don’t need to feel embarrassed with either the shape or your nose type since your nose suits you well.


There are several types of nose such as; Greek Nose, Roman Nose, Celestial Nose, Nubian Nose, Hawk Nose, and Snub Nose.

Celestial nose 

This type of nose is most common in Europe and it is one of the most attractive noses. Its edge is sharper than a snub nose, which is smaller, slightly rounder and slopes upward at the tip. Celestial nose is also known as the upturned nose drawn from its characteristics.

Individuals with the celestial nose are known to be unbeatable optimists and are rounded by a kind demeanor and a sound personality. They weave a permanent breeze of warmth and love around their friends and family and it is very comforting to be beside them.

People with celestial noses are also believed to be very adventurous in their sexual appetite but also ground their relationships and marriages strongly.

Features of celestial nose are:

· Have a dent at the middle of the bridge with a tip that protrudes.
· Have an inward depression is formed from the bulky tip of the nose.
· The depression can be bit unappealing when the bent is too deep.

Nubian nose

People who have this type of nose are creative in their approach to a subject and are also characterized by curiosity and open mind to things. If you have Nubian nose, then your own charisma may attract people to your personalities.

These people also are emotionally very expressive and this liberty with emotions can at times go overboard as well. Again, this nose type is characterized by a long nose shape with a base that is wide.

Roman nose 

It is also known as over-projected nose and is characterized by a highlighted bridge which can either be curved or bent. Individuals with Roman nose are said to have a strong personalities and leadership skills.

Some of the other meanings portrayed by this Roman nose are; the person does things upon impulses and thinks their way through, they are equally good at influencing other people and encourage them to do things. Such people are good organizers and are seldom aggressive.

Button nose

This refers to a nose that has similar appearance with a button or a nose that is said to be button-like in appearance. It is very cute in most people. Those who have their button noses are proud of them too. The ends are round, and resemble a real button.

Women with button shaped nose are said to be imaginative and they look beautiful in this small round nose with very little definition. People with this nose type make up the vast majority of models and actresses.

Features portrayed by people with button nose:

· Optimistic
· Kind
· Full temperament
· Loving
· Supportive and have nurturing personalities.

However, button nosed individuals are also known for their emotional instability. They normally feel threatened by persons of stronger will. For all their creative genius, their timidity is their main undoing.

Snub nose 

This is a button-like nose that is small hence it has an adorable slight widening thus voted by far to be the most attractive of noses, those that carry the Snub nose shape are also considered to be immature.

This nose has people with great personalities whether in sports like Rooney, celebrities in music etc.

NOSE SHAPES AND ANCESTRY – Greek and Hooked Nose

Analyzing nose shapes has been considered to both scientific and artistic, according to Abraham Tamir, an Israeli scientist. Some of these noses are:

Greek nose 

This shape has narrow nostrils and a pointed tip. It’s streamlined, with no depressions. The bridge is high and long. The Greek nose has a host of positive qualities: intelligence, optimism, skill, composure, compassion, and romanticism. Greek noses signify good leaders. They’re disciplined and destined for success.

Hooked nose

It’s common to people of Italian and Jewish descent. Eagle-nosed folks follow their own path. They’re enthusiastic and charismatic. They highly value family and friends. They’re ambitious, organized, and efficient. They make great leaders.


Nose types say much more about your character and appearance. The following nose type charts or list express a few details about you.

Large nose

It has large nostrils and wide tips. The bridge may be either short or long. A large nose signifies ambition and leadership. It shows a desire to work independently. The bearer of this nose likes to be the boss. They are confident and self-reliant. They step up to the plate when it comes to challenges.

Small nose

It is small in length and width. The tip is neither round nor sharp. The short-nosed person is sensitive and kind. They have a sweet, endearing personality. They’re creative, spontaneous, and fun. They enjoy being part of a team. This people like helping others and contributing to causes.

Long nose

People with this type of nose like action, sports, and travel. Their dynamic nature demands freedom, movement, and space. They like getting things done quickly, which makes them efficient. People with long noses are intuitive. They have a knack for business and make great leaders.

Short nose

Individual with this nose type are sensitive and loyal. They’re kind and sympathetic. They tend to be reserved and shy. They’re also hard-working.


Most ethnic groups have a specific set of characteristics of the nose that sets it apart from others. The following are some of categories of ethnic nose:


They are characterized by having a broad, wide, drooping tip, complemented by a dorsal hump. This hump is similar to what is seen on noses of those with Mediterranean heritage.


They tend to feature enlarged nostrils, wide tips and a lack of nasal bridge projection.


They are an ethnic group with heritages ranging from Persian to Greek to Italian to Arab to Jewish, to name a few. People from these ethnic groups often have noses with a hump in the region between the tip and forehead and a slightly drooping nose tip.


They are nose types with a shorter length and sit shallow on the face. Similar to an African nose, it also lacks definition, has wide nostrils and little definition of the bridge.

#nose #beauty #humanface #noseshapes #personality #ethnicity #ancestry #face


  1. Your page gave completely positive attributes to obvious European standard noses, and negative to people of color, even referring to us as overly expressive... I guess my pointing out low-key racism completes your point?

    1. Hello MzBelle, Thanks for sharing your point of view. I am so sorry, but my intention was not to disparage any type of nose or ethnicity. It was only discussing certain personality characteristics associated with different nose types. Have a great day!

    2. Really? I think you are the only one who found racism in the article. GET OVER IT!

  2. Very informative. What about the noses of the people of the Indian Subcontinent?

    1. Thank you for the comment. Well people from the Indian Subcontinent are essentially caucasians and therefore can have any one of the noses described in the post for a caucasian.

    2. @MzBelle -INDEED - AND though no micro-aggression is intended, its certainly there. For instance referring to the perfect nose as the celestial nose: "This type of nose is most common in Europe and it is one of the most attractive noses" - and then showing a picture of white woman (furthering the message that they are perfect and beautiful) Then all of the other people are smiling while you show the black woman almost with a scowl. Be Better.

    3. Hello @XmasWife... I promise you no negativity regarding any nose type was intended and I apologize if it was interpreted that way. The article does begin with saying "You don’t need to feel embarrassed with either the shape or your nose type since your nose suits you well". Also, the photo of Obama shows him smiling and looking very pleasant. I believe he is black.


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