Benefits of Chewing Gum for Health & Mind

Benefits of Chewing Gum for Health & Mind
by Anna Wagner (Guest Author - FIT Major in Fragrance and Cosmetics) & Dr. Shamil.

Chewing gum is not just for taste and freshening your breath but has a multitude of benefits in oral health and even well-being. New research has found that chewing sugar-free gum daily protects the teeth, enhances cognitive performance, and helps manage stress.

When chewing gum your mouth increases its salivary flow. And by chewing gum after eating, your mouth creates saliva that flushes out acids that cause decay. It will also push out leftover food debris and sugars. Increases saliva flow will also aid in swallowing, which will benefit in improved digestion.

Another unexpected benefit of chewing gum is how it enhances your cognitive performance, and in multiple ways! Studies have shown evidence that those who chew gum at work or while studying had increased attention and alertness. The repetition of chewing allows for easy concentration, as well as help you recall facts.

Additionally, consistently chewing gum was found to boost mood and overall well-being. Psychologists believe that the act of chewing gum can relieve stress and reduce tensions. Stress raises cortisol levels, but chewing gum was found to lower cortisol levels. So, chewing a stick of gum in a stressful situation could give you some immediate relief and fight off frustration.

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