Healthy Packed Lunch

Packed Lunch - 6 makeovers for good health & penny savings

In current recessionary times, a lot of people are looking to save money by taking a packed lunch from home rather than eating at a restaurant or company cafeteria. Here are some great tips to make your lunch box healthy and this will help you achieve your weight-loss goals as well.

Swap…high-fat lunch meats like bologna and salami
For…lean deli meats like roast turkey, lean ham, and grilled chicken breast

Swap…white bread and white pasta
For…100 percent whole-grain bread and whole-wheat pasta

Swap…fried chips and other high-fat, low-nutrition snacks
For…fiber-rich snacks like plain popcorn, reduced-fat cheese sticks, a handful of nuts, or veggie dippers (like carrots) with hummus

Swap…fruit canned in syrup
For…fresh fruit or fruit packed in its natural juice

Swap…cookies and cakes
For…fresh fruit or sugar-free gelatin

Swap…sugary fruit drinks and sodas
For…water or low-fat or fat-free milk
