Healthy Eating

Maintain a Small Waistline on Simple, Inexpensive items, such as Canned Food and Fresh Vegetables, from your Local Grocery Store.

Healthy eating does not need to be boring, difficult, time consuming or expensive. With a little bit of thought and creativity we can all be very healthy by following a balanced diet, containing little fat and sugar, portion control and daily physical exercise of about 30 minutes. It is easy to reach our ideal body weight through the science of manipulating our brain by carefully selecting the sensory signals we receive and provide to the brain for processing. Inexpensive food ingredients, such as canned foods, can be transformed into delicious gourmet style dishes by using flavors, herbs and spices, color, texture, attractive visual display of food on a plate. Such limitless creativity and imagination can provide sensory stimulation to satisfy the brain of its inkling for fat or a larger portion size. This is my formula for keeping healthy and trim, which I have been following for nearly 20 years.
