Brussels Sprouts in Plum Chutney

Brussels Sprouts in Plum Chutney
12 large Brussels sprouts roughly chopped
1 large red onion finely sliced
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tbs fresh ginger finely minced
1 tbs olive oil
4 tbs sweet & spicy plum chutney (homemade or store bought)
1/3 tsp ground cumin
Salt to taste
1 tbs dried mint
Part boil or steam Brussels sprouts until they are tender but not overly cooked, drain and set a side
Saute onions with garlic and ginger in oil in a pan
Add the Brussel sprouts to the pan together with plum chutney, cumin and salt to taste
Mix the contents well and cook for a couple of minutes
Garnish with dried mint
Brussels sprouts are packed with great nutrition, but unfortunately many people don't eat them much due to their bitter taste. The above recipe is a perfect way to eat Brussels sprouts, as the sweet and spicy plum chutney masks any bitterness, making the dish very palatable.
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