Water and Your Skin

Water and Your Skin 
by Anna Wagner (Guest Author - FIT Major in Fragrance and Cosmetics) & Dr. Shamil 

It is well known how important water is for the body; after all, more than half of the human body is comprised of water. But you might not understand just how essential a healthy water intake is to maintain healthy and glowing skin. The root of many skin issues simply come from denying your skin proper hydration.

To first understand waters role in your body, you need to understand your skin. The human skin important in that it protects you from environmental harm, removes unwanted materials from the body, and regulates body temperature. And most importantly it locks in and helps to retain moisture given to it. It is the largest organ in your body and made of skin cells, of which are comprised of water. So, without a proper source of water, these cells will fail to function. Your skin can only function you as well as you treat it.

You are probably wondering, what does water do for your skin besides keeping it function? Well it helps in a multitude of ways that will positively enhance your skin’s appearance. First, water is considered one of the greatest keys against fighting aging. When you become fully hydrated, water is carried to the skin and the cells and tissues are replenished. This causes skin to become more elastic, which in turn evens out the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Thus, drinking sufficient water will help to even out the texture of your skin. Studies have shown that increased water intake improves the softness and smoothness of the skin, especially in areas of the face that are prone to dry patches. For those with oily skin, increasing your water intake can balance out the levels of oil your skin produces. This can help to minimize shine and reduce the chance of skin becoming clogged and breaking out.

And now you’re probably wondering just how much water the proper amount is. Different studies have been done to figure out the perfect amount, but the consensus is that the water you get from foods and most beverages isn’t enough. If you are between the ages of 19 and 20, to meet your body’s daily water requirements you should aim to drink around 3.7 liters of water if you are a man, and 2.7 liters for women. Intake levels will vary on your level of activity, it is most important to keep hydrated during increases of activity. However, be careful not to drink more water than your body can process or else you could potentially damage your kidneys.

Maintaining water intake is essential to keeping your skin at its best. Becoming dehydrated will affect the skin in multiple ways. You’ll notice your skin is less elastic and may appear dull. Dark circles can become more pronounced and fine lines will become more prominent. So, to battle this, make it your daily goal to drink the recommended amount water for your body and lifestyle. Before long you will notice your skin is more flawless and radiant.

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