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While the eyes are said to be the “window to the soul,” the mouth is credited for being the “window to the body.” And, rightly so. So much in our overall health originates in the mouth. While speech and the digestion process are commonly known to begin in the mouth, misaligned teeth can be sources of surprising ordeals.

What is Malocclusion

Malocclusion of the teeth is when your teeth are misaligned and your bite is off. This can lead to oral health complications if left untreated. It may also be referred to as:
  • crowded teeth 
  • crossbite
  • overbite
  • underbite
  • open bite
Your teeth may not perform vital functions well, like chewing, if they’re misaligned. Learn more about this condition and how it may be treated to protect your overall oral and well-being.

Causes of Malocclusion

Misaligned teeth are more often inherited, meaning they are passed down from one generation to the next. However, there are a number of conditions or habits that may change the shape and structure of your jaw, such as frequent use of a pacifier after you’re 3 years old, prolonged use of bottle feeding in early childhood, thumb sucking in early childhood, injuries that result in the misalignment of your jaw, tumors in your mouth or jaw, and bad dental work, such as improperly fitting implants, crowns, bridges, inalys and onlays, braces, etc.
So, in order to prevent misalignment from bad dental work, it is imperative that you see an orthodontist for braces and a prosthodontist for any prosthetic work (teeth restoration) and, for implants,  a periodontal surgeon who should work in collaboration with a prosthodontist to give you that perfect smile. Sure, a general dentist can do some of this, but you wouldn't go to your primary care physician for heart surgery. Likewise, it is vital that all major prosthetic work should be done by a board certified prosthodontist. It will be good for your overall health and save you money and a lot of heartache in the long run.

Health Problems Stemming from Misaligned Teeth

When upper and lower teeth are not in proper position (from crooked teeth, over or under bites, chipped or missing teeth, ill-fitting bridges, etc.) a wide range of health problems can occur. These include insomnia, dizziness, headaches, ear aches, facial and neck pain, jaw clicks, chewing discomfort and lead to problems with posture, joint pain and low back pain.

Simply stated, misaligned teeth will cause your jaw joint to be misaligned. Because the jaw joint is the highest joint in the human skeletal system, bite misalignment creates a domino effect that impacts other joints in the body.

An improperly fitted bite means your teeth do not work harmoniously when chewing. The muscles of the jaw and face and jaw joints have to work harder as they adjust for misaligned teeth. This strain adds stress on the jaw joint, which sets off muscle tension and joint stress throughout the body.

Obvious symptoms of temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) are mild to severe jaw joint pain, jaw clicking and difficulty opening the mouth fully. Worn or chipped teeth and complications with prior dental work like bridges or crowns can be from misaligned teeth.

Insomnia and clenching or grinding teeth during sleep can also be caused from misaligned teeth. Tensing jaw muscles lead to muscle tension throughout the body while sleeping. Ear aches or dizziness can also be the result of jaw joint misalignment while headaches, facial pain and neck pain are often from overworked jaw muscles. The stress on these muscle can then lead to posture problem, affecting other people's perception of your confidence, as well as aching lower back muscles and problems with hip and leg joints.


A misaligned bite is most successfully treated through specialized skills in Neuromuscular dentistry. Neuromuscular dentistry offers relief from aches and pain and other health problems, caused by misaligned teeth, without surgery (without invasive procedures). Through bite adjustments, it is possible to relieve decades of health problems for many patients, often with simple measures. 

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