Different Beards for Different Face Shapes

by Katrina Orzillo (Guest Author - FIT Advertising) & Dr. Shamil 

Sources: https://www.mensjournal.com https://www.fashionbeans.com

For men, facial hair can be used to emphasize their best facial features. However, everyone has different face shapes, that will all be complemented by different types of beards. The same way the same haircut doesn’t suit everyone, the same beard type certainly does not suit everyone. It is important for men when they are growing facial hair, to not just grow it and leave it at that, but to make sure it is the right style for them. Whether a man has an oval face, rectangle, triangular, round, heart, square or a diamond face shape, they could find a specific beard type that is perfect for them.

How to Determine Face Shape

Figuring out what shape your face is simple, and only takes a few measurements. Once you determine what your face shape is once, you’ll never have to do it again, because this will never change! Here are the measurements that you will need to figure out what you face shape is:
Forehead: measure across your face using the peak of each eyebrow as a baseline.
Cheekbones: measure across the cheekbones, beginning and ending at the highest points below the outer corner of the eyes.
Jawline: start at the tip of the chin and end below the ear where your jaw angles up. If you double this number, you will get your full jawline measurement.
Face length: measure starting in the center of the hair line and ending at the tip of the chin.

How to Translate these Measurements into Face Shape 

Oval: the width of the cheekbones is less than the face length measurement, and the forehead measurement is greater than the jawline, with a rounded shape overall.
Rectangle: forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are close in measurement, but face length is the largest measurement.
Triangular: the jawline measurement is greater than the cheekbones, which are larger than the forehead.
Round: cheekbones & face length have similar measurements, but they are larger than the forehead & jawline, which also have similar measurements. The jawline overall is much less defined and soft.
Heart: the measurement of the forehead is greater than cheekbones & jawline, with a pointed chin.
Square: all measurements are relatively similar, with a sharp jawline.
Diamond: the measurements from largest to smallest are face length, cheekbones, forehead, and jawline (pointed chin).

Beard Types that Coincide with each Face Shape

Beard for Oval Face: oval face shapes could be complimented by a variety of different beard types, since this face shape encapsulates features of both square and round faces. The most complimentary style for this face shape will be squared at the jaw, but short on the sides and cut underneath with clean lines on the cheek.

Beard for Rectangle Face: with a longer face, a complimentary beard style will have to balance this feature out. Creating the impression of a wider jaw will take away attention from the length of the face. This can be done be growing facial hair higher up on the cheeks.

Beard for Triangular Face: with this face shape, the goal should be balance out the prominence of the chin. The best style for this includes a mustache with a short beard of stubble, which ultimately draws the attention to higher up on the face. Facial hair that is full and thick on the cheeks should be avoided. 

Beard for Round Face: this face shape will benefit from a triangular-shaped beard style that is shorter on the cheeks and larder towards the chin. A goatee with stubble on the cheeks will be the most complimentary for this facial structure.

Beard for Heart Face: with a smaller face shape, a beard will only cause the face to appear even smaller. To avoid this, go for stubble on the sides that won’t overpower the natural bone structure, but depth and volume could be added by leaving more length in the chin and moustache.

Beard for Square Face: a strong, square jaw will be flattered best with a rounded or triangular beard shape. A goatee will balance out the wide & thick jawline and create a chiseled look.

Beard for Diamond Face: the goal for this face shape should be to soften the prominence of the chin, which could be done by keeps hair on the chin to balance out the cheekbones. Also, going wider on the cheeks and the edge of the jawline will square out the prominent chin.

Overall, for men, facial hair can be very beneficial to the overall appearance if it is done right. It is important to be aware of the face shape that you have, and know what your strongest features are, so they can be balanced out and not overly accentuated. The same way one-size-fits-all clothing never works, there is no such thing as one beard type that will be flattering to every man. Each facial structure has specific features that can be complemented by certain beard types, and you can discover which one is best for you.

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