Essential Vitamins For Younger Looking Skin
Essential Vitamins For Younger Looking Skin
If you think having great skin is just about applying expensive skin care products- think again.
Your diet plays a crucial role in your skin’s health. If you aren’t eating right, there’s a good chance that you’re your skin’s biggest problem.
Well, loading your diet with dairy products and high glycemic foods can put you at risk of skin breakouts. Eating too much junk foods can deprive your body and skin of the nutrients they need to function properly.
So, instead of consuming those foods, eat more of the healthy stuff.
Broccoli, carrots and butternut squash are really great examples. These foods are rich in vitamin A, which can help slow down the signs of skin aging.
You can also increase your intake of guavas, kiwis and oranges as they are loaded with vitamin C. This vitamin can help even out your skin tone and protect your skin against free radical damage.
If you are dealing with dry and rough skin and you are looking for ways to increase your skin’s moisture, eat more foods rich in vitamin E. Avocadoes, almonds and sunflower seeds are excellent choices.
Now, if you are feeling overwhelmed with all these information, check out this really helpful infographic on the most powerful vitamins for skin.

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About the author
Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, a beauty blog dedicated to providing honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Check out her latest article Soap For Dry Skin by ThankYourSkin. You can find her on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook"
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