3 Reasons to Try Pomegranates

3 Reasons to Try Pomegranates

This delicious fruit is an excellent choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight or simply remain healthy. Here’s why:

1.They’re a superfruit:
Not only are pomegranates a dense source of nutrients including fiber and vitamins A, C, and E, they also contain cancer- and heart-disease-fighting antioxidants like anthocyanins, tannins, and polyphenols. These phytonutrients seem to be particularly good for heart health because they are anti-inflammatory and relax the blood vessels, which helps improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

2.Their juice packs a healthy punch:
Scientists at the Rambam Medical Center in Israel reported that pomegranate juice contains almost three times more antioxidants than red wine, green tea, and other juices. In addition, drinking one glass of pomegranate juice every day was found to slow down cholesterol oxidation — when free radicals in the body merge with cholesterol, triggering plaque buildup in the arteries. The juice may also reduce the retention of LDL (the "bad" cholesterol). These factors could significantly lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3.They’re enjoyable in a variety of ways:
You can eat the fiber-rich seeds from the fruit by themselves and they are very tasty or you could mix the pomegranate seeds with them fat-free yogurt and eat as a healthy dessert.  You can have a small glass of pomegranate juice, which can be found in your supermarket’s refrigerated section. The natural sugars in pomegranate juice, without the fiber in the fruit itself, might interfere with your ability to control cravings so avoid drinking more than one glass. Another way to serve the juice: Try a delicious, refreshing spritzer. Simply mix a small amount of pomegranate juice with seltzer or club soda, add some crushed ice and a lime wedge, and enjoy.
