The Importance of Traveling for your Well-being 

by Daniella Miniero (Guest Author - FIT Fashion Business Management) & Dr. Shamil

Everyone loves to take a vacation; you get to relax away from work and your responsibilities. However, there are many important benefits of traveling that many people often overlook. Traveling is good for educating yourself and relieving stress; however, you must be conscious of your vacation expenses or paying for them later will bring on more unnecessary stress.


The best education we could ever receive comes from our minds, our beliefs, and our views and our aspirations; and the best way to fuel these comes from traveling: listening to foreign music, tasting unfamiliar dishes, seeing unknown sights, thinking about unique ideas and meeting culturally different people with different religions and religious practices. When we travel, we learn the most important values of life. We learn about cultural differences, communication, independence, and love. Traveling also allows us to learn things about ourselves that we didn’t know before; we discover who we truly are and what we like and dislike.


Chronic stress takes a hard toll on our physical and mental wellbeing. When we stress out our sleep cycle is disrupted, we don’t digest our food as well, we become irritable, depressed, and anxious. Clearly, stress is not a good thing to experience chronically and sometimes we need to get away from it all, even just for a short time. A vacation breaks the stress cycle and gives our mind and body time to decompress from it all. When we come back from a successful, stress-free vacation, we have a different attitude when facing what life throws at us. On vacation, we gain perspective of our problems, get time to relax, and get a break from our usual routines. Nevertheless, to achieve these things we must have a successful stress-free vacation. Here are some tips for ways you can avoid stress while planning a vacation:

1. You must make good detailed plans! Do your research and make sure you know everything there is to know about your vacation destination. Planning will minimize the stress of figuring out what you want to do. The best way to plan is by making an itinerary that outlines what you want to do each day and the times you choose to do these things.

2. Know the rules and regulations of the airline and vacation destination. Airlines are notoriously known for advertising one thing then giving you another. Be certain you know all the additional fees you may have to pay with the airline. Also, know your vacation destination country’s rules and regulations ahead of time so you aren’t surprised, such as bringing a banned item into the country.

3. Make your vacation an adventure; not just sitting on a beach or by the pool all day long. An active vacation, involving new fun challenges, is most beneficial to combating stress. Of course, you should give yourself some time to relax, but don’t forget to venture out of your comfort zone since it will give you some memorable experiences.

4. Always pack for contingencies, such as getting sick, getting a sunburn, losing your glasses, so on and so forth. You always should be prepared for the unexpected on vacation, so when the unexpected comes you have nothing to stress about.

Remain Conscious of your Wallet 

Perhaps, the number one way to avoid any stress before, during, or after your vacation is booking a destination within your means. Financial struggles are the biggest culprit for chronic stress therefore, you should take a vacation you can afford. A vacation doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. You can plan a staycation where you stay in the city you live in but get a hotel room or you can stay local in the United States and do a road trip, so you don’t have to pay airfare. A vacation should be enjoyable and stress free; don’t book a destination where you’re in over your head financially, as that will defeat the objective of taking a vacation.

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