by Daniella Miniero (Guest Author - FIT Fashion Business Management) & Dr. Shamil


The colors that surround us in our everyday lives impact our mood, feelings, and behaviors. Therefore, the same goes for the color of your clothing; your mood can be reflected on the colors of your wardrobe. Nonetheless, how exactly does color work in impacting mood and behavior? Well, this is where color psychology comes into play.


In hindsight, our wardrobe could possibly be shaping our mental health. Color effects our soul and mind, and it’s always affecting us whether we are aware of it or not. Different colors have different mood-altering effects with a universal meaning. For example, when looking at the red area of the color spectrum, including red, orange, and yellow; these colors evoke feelings of warmth and comfort or feelings of anger and hostility. However, when looking at the blue area of the color spectrum, including blue, purple, and green; these colors evoke feelings of calmness and peace or feelings of sadness or detachment. Consequently, people respond to different colors with similar judgments which in turn could describe your mood or character to someone.

You might be now wondering; well what color represent what moods? Let me further explain to you what colors you should wear to invoke certain moods in yourself as well as changing people’s perception on your sentiments.

The color black is commonly associated with death and mourning, therefore making you look dull and depressed or sad. However, black could also be a symbol of power and mystery; hence why the number one color a car sells in is black. If you’re going to wear black, wear it sparingly, and pair it with a hint of color so you don’t look dull but rather powerful.

The color white is commonly associated with purity or innocence; thus, why brides wear white on their wedding day. White can also convey cleanliness, freshness, and simplicity. White is a good color to pair with brighter, more outgoing colors to look fresh and clean.

Red is a bright warm color the evokes strong emotions in a person. Red has two completely different convictions on how it can make you feel. On one end of the spectrum, red is associated with love, warmth, and comfort as well as grabs attention. Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, red is associated with intensity, anger, and aggression. When wearing red, it could be worn as an energizer to lift your mood but, be wary of how people might see you from their perspective.

Blue is a favorite color for many people (and for good reason)! Blue is a non-threatening color that is recognized as traditional. Therefore, blue is often associated with feelings of calmness and serenity. Blue is good to pair with a color that can be seen as “eccentric” to balance each other out. On the other hand, blue is also commonly associated with sadness so I would suggest not going for an ass blue outfit, rather making blue your accent color.

Green is largely associated with its symbolization with nature and the natural world. Green also represents tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy. When wearing green, this color could be described as a bridge color since it helps create a balance between one’s self and others.

Yellow is known to invoke strong feelings since it can be bright and intense. Yellow is known to quickly grab someone's attention since it appears warm and bright. However, yellow can lead to visual fatigue and can be abrasive when overused. I would make yellow a “one in a while” color in your wardrobe when you want to grab attention and stand out from the crowd.

"How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun." -Vincent Van Gogh

The color purple is often associated as a color of royalty and wealth and sometimes exotic since purple does not occur in nature. As well, purple represents wisdom and spirituality. Because the color itself is rare and mysterious, when worn a person could evoke feelings of mysteriousness and divinity.

Brown is known to be a solid and dependable earthy color. When wearing brown, it evokes feelings of strength and reliability since it is a very natural, down to earth comfort color.

Orange is a combination of yellow and red thus making it an energetic color. Orange is used to draw attention, as well as calls to feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth. Wearing orange helps you to be more social by bringing you out of your shell. It is the best color for helping you adapt to change in your life.

Pink is essentially a lighter color of red, making it also associated with love, romance, and joy. However, pink is different from red because pink is thought to have calming effects to some people. When wearing pink, you open yourself up to self-love and joy.

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  1. Wonderful blog. Color is the characteristic of human visual perception described through categories. Here I observed different colors associated with different activities such as white is associated with purity and red is strong emotions in a person etc. Also I learned color of clothing can be shaping our mental health. It is very interesting blog. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Many thanks for your lovely feedback. I really appreciate it.


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