How to Maintain Youthful Tight Skin: At Home Treatments

by Katrina Orzillo (Guest Author - FIT Advertising) & Dr. Shamil 

Why does skin begin to sag as we age?

As we all know, the process of our skin aging is inevitable, no matter how much we try to prevent it. This occurs due to the natural process of collagen and elastin breaking down over time, whether it’s due to aging, sun damage, toxin exposure, etc. The proteins collagen and elastin are the key to youthful skin, and keep the skin smooth, tight, and wrinkle-free. When these proteins naturally begin to breakdown, the skin slowly starts to lose it’s youthful look, and become wrinkled, loose, and saggy. In addition to this, as we age, the connective tissue in the skin weakens, which directly causes the skin to droop. Also, in the aging process, the skin naturally loses its volume, causing an uneven distribution of fat in the skin, that will ultimately sag. Even though it isn’t humanly possible to completely put an end to the inevitability of aging skin, there are many simple treatments we can do at home that can tighten the skin and prevent these signs of aging.

10 simple at-home skin tightening treatments

1. Coconut oil: hydrates the skin to prevent sagging and eliminates free radicals that damage skin.
Before bed, take a teaspoon of coconut oil and massage it into your skin for five minutes. Leave it on overnight for maximum results. 

2. Egg White & Honey Mask: rebuilds skin cells, improves skin elasticity, gives the skin a natural glow, removes built up toxins in the skin.
Take one egg white & mix it with two tablespoons of honey.
Apply this to the face, neck, and chest.
Leave this on for 15 minutes.
Use this mask once a week for maximum results. 

3. Olive Oil: powerful antioxidant that contains a healthy amount of vitamin E which will tighten the skin and prevent sun damage.
Massage olive oil into the skin for a few minutes every night after you shower, instead of a body lotion. 

4. Coffee Scrub: contains antioxidants that slow signs of aging, firm the skin, and smooth out fat deposits to prevent excess sagging.
Mix ¼ cup of coffee grounds, ¼ cup of brown sugar, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
Scrub the skin with this mixture for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Use once a week for best results. 

5. Witch Hazel: shrinks pores, tightens skin, and slows the breakdown of collagen and elastin.
Use this as an astringent at night, after you wash your face but before you moisturize. 

6. Epsom Salt: tightens skin by pulling excess water from the skin which improves circulation.
Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bath & soak your body for 15 minutes.
Do this twice a week for best results. 

7. Lemon: vitamin C contents of lemon boosts collagen and restores elasticity.
Apply fresh lemon juice to the face, leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.
You can also dilute the lemon juice with water, apply it, and allow it to soak into the skin and air dry.
8. Aloe Vera: a natural moisturizer that improves elasticity.
Extract the gel from aloe leaves & apply it to the skin.
Leave this on for 15 minutes, then rinse and pat the skin dry. 

9. Cucumber: known to be the best natural skin toner that rejuvenates the skin.
Put half of a cucumber in a blender, then strain it to separate the juice.
Apply the juice to the skin, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry the skin.
Gentle enough for daily use. 

10. Yogurt Mask:
lactic acid actively shrinks pores, resulting in tight and smooth skin.
Mix 2 drops of lime juice with 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
Massage this mixture into the skin thoroughly, allow it to soak into your skin for 5 minutes, then rinse.
Can be used twice a week.


Overall, it is impossible to completely stop signs of aging skin, but it is possible to take steps to prevent aging. There are so many simple and inexpensive methods we can use to fight the aging process of skin, and it is never too soon to start!

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