How to Find the Freshest Fish

How to Find the Freshest Fish

Fish should be a staple of healthy diet for many reasons. For one thing, many types of fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and most contain essential vitamins and other nutrients that can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, and some cancers. Fish can also be cooked quickly and easily, and it takes well to a variety of flavors and ingredients. But how can you tell if the fish is freshly caught? Follow these tips to help you find the freshest fish.

  1. Look for bright clear eyes. If you’re buying whole fish to save money (and having your fish purveyor then fillet it for you), this tip is important. Although dull-eyed fish may be safe to eat, they are past their prime and peak freshness. Fish eyes should be bulging and clear. If the eyes are sunken or discolored, then the fish may not be fresh.

  1. Take a whiff. Some people are turned off by the idea of eating fish because of its strong taste and smell. When you first enter a fish market and you detect a strong smell, chances are some of the fish are old or not properly refrigerated. A reputable fish market should not smell strongly of fish. Fish that have lighter or milder flavors and smells are halibut, tilapia, mahi mahi, sea bass, and grouper. Ask the fish monger to point out the freshest fish and those that have been previously frozen. They can also tell you which fish has been farmed or caught wild.

  1. Observe the color. Fish should look firm, bright, and clear. For instance, fresh tuna will have a dark red color, and farm-raised salmon will be bright pink. Wild salmon is generally redder than the farm-raised variety; white fish should have a clear appearance. As a general rule, avoid all selections of fish that have discoloration or show signs of aging. The gills should be deep red and the skin vibrant and unbroken.

  1. Check the placard. Most grocery store fish departments will use placards to label the fish as either fresh or frozen. Note that there’s nothing wrong with a frozen piece of fish — in fact some frozen fish are fresher because they’re frozen at sea. The most common frozen-at-sea fish are swordfish and cod. Local fish tend to be fresher than those that have been shipped.
