If you’re on a quest for smooth skin and feel like you’ve tried every skincare product out there, it might be time to reexamine your routine. From the environment to stress and your diet and digestive system, there are a variety of factors that can leave your complexion looking rough and dull—and after all healthy skin = smoother skin. Read on for great tips that will help your skin feel and look baby-soft.

But first: What causes rough skin?

Wondering why your skin’s been feeling rough? Factors like stress, your diet, issues with your digestive system, lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, and your environment could all be wreaking havoc on the surface of your skin. Most rough skin can be a result of dryness, dehydration, and a buildup of dead skin cells. If your skin’s texture has just recently started feeling rough, the climate you live in may contribute to the change in your skin’s texture. Our skin has a natural balance between natural oils and water and when these are out of balance, you can tell by the state of your skin, If you vacation in a warmer, more humid climate for example, your skin’s levels may get thrown off course, causing your skin to feel rough.

Your lifestyle choices play a major part in the appearance of your skin. If you’re a night owl who runs on very little sleep, you may be able to make it through the day, but it may eventually start to show—on your face.  In particular,  bad habits, such as drinking, smoking and drugs, can also play a role in being prone to having rough skin..

While there are a variety of factors you can control, unfortunately some of us are prone to rough skin conditions regardless of how strictly you follow your skincare routine—it’s just in your genes. There are certain rough skin disorders, such as eczema and keratosis pilaris, that can be influenced by genetics and you should be under the care of a board certified dermatologist to get the best treatment.

8 ways to get smoother skin

1. Exfoliate regularly

The number one thing you can do to get baby-soft skin is exfoliate. By exfoliating, you slough off dead skin cells and clear out dirt, bacteria, grime, and build-up that accumulates on the surface of your skin. Exfoliation removes oils and impurities from the skin, assists in product penetration, and increases cellular turnover and circulation. If you’re unsure how to exfoliate your face, you have a variety of choices: chemical exfoliants, mechanical exfoliants, or exfoliators that incorporate a mix of both. You can pick an exfoliation method based on your skin type. If you have dry, rough skin try using an exfoliant that contains alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, or enzymes.

While chemical exfoliation may sound intense, it’s actually not intensely abrasive, making it a safe choice for sensitive skin and anyone who frequently deals with bad breakouts. Look for cleansers or night treatments that incorporate glycolic acid or lactic acid. If you are prone to blemishes, salicylic acid can work wonders on acne-causing bacteria to unveil smooth skin underneath.

If you have normal skin, the choice is up to you. It’s truly a matter of preference. If you have combination skin, combine both to maximize results. Combination skin works great with combination exfoliants, which means using a skincare product with both a chemical and physical exfoliant. Depending on your skin type, you can exfoliate a few times a week to get glowing skin.  Oily skin can be actually exfoliated 3-4 times a week. If you don’t exfoliate regularly, you’ll be left with a dull-looking, rough skin.
2. Drink plenty of water

The secret to healthy skin isn’t just about what we put on our face, but what we put in our bodies. “Our body is made up of about 80% water, and our cells need water to function properly. The more water you drink, the more it plumps up your cells, (which includes your skin cells), allowing them to work efficiently and remove toxins. Drinking water will help your skin look nourished, hydrated, and healthy.  You do not have to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, but certainly enough to remain hydrated to keep your skin looking smooth.

3. Try a honey face mask

You can reap all the benefits of exfoliation by reaching for a kitchen staple that works wonders on your skin: honey.  Honey contains sufficient levels of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and enzymes that help to exfoliate the skin by sloughing away dead skin cells, removing dirt and grime, reducing excess oils, and clearing out pores all without damaging the skin's acid mantle. Enjoy this refresher for all the benefits of honey for your skin, and use the natural exfoliant to make your own face mask. Mix one tablespoon of raw honey or Manuka honey with 2 tablespoons of whole-fat, Greek yogurt for a hydrating complexion booster. Apply to your face for 15-20 minutes, wet a washcloth with lukewarm water, and use the warm washcloth to remove.
4. Use the right moisturizer

Moisturizing is key to keeping your skin soft and smooth, but in order to get the most out of your face lotion, it’s best to find the right moisturizer for your skin type. The most potent ingredients for correcting rough, dry skin include enzymes, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, peptides, and ceramides. If you have sensitive, dry skin opt for a moisturizer that contains ceramides to hydrate and repair your skin’s barrier. If your skin is dry, then you will want to utilize ceramides and restore moisture to your skin cells.

Another powerful ingredient that helps smooth skin is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, as it helps to restore hydration to your skin. If you’re looking for a quick way to achieve smooth skin, your best bet is incorporating HA into your skincare routine. Thanks to its humectant properties, it acts like a sponge to draw water to your skin and boost your hydration levels. While a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid is ideal for anyone who suffers from dry skin, since most formulas are lightweight, they also work well on oily and combination skin.

The best moisturizers for combination skin are made of lightweight, non-comedogenic, mattifying formulas that can significantly improve your skin’s texture. Even if you have oily skin, you still need to incorporate moisturizer in your routine. If you don’t, your oil glands will get kicked into overdrive and will produce even more oil, which can lead to clogged pores and bad breakouts. The best moisturizers for oily skin serve up moisture without excess oil, thanks to a combination of oil-free formulas and nourishing ingredients.
5. Slather on SPF

When we think of smooth skin, the first image that comes to mind is that of a newborn baby—and one of the reasons why a baby’s skin is so soft is because they haven’t been exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Wearing SPF every single day is the key to keeping your skin healthy and smooth—and that includes during the winter (and on cloudy days!). Up to 80% of UV rays can pass through clouds and they can even penetrate your car window.

UV rays cause your body to release and  lose oils and water, leaving your skin feeling dry and dehydrated after direct exposure. It may take years to see the visible effects of fun in the sun. That’s because over time, prolonged exposure breaks down the collagen fibers and elastin in your skin, which can leave you with a rougher, leathery-looking skin.

If you are going to be outside bring along your best hat. wear sunglasses and slather on sunscreen (opt for SPF 30 or higher), and be sure to reapply every two hours. For added sun protection, you can also wear UPF clothing to keep the rest of your body safe from the sun.

6. Get your vitamin C

While you can’t completely reverse years of sun damage, you can repair your skin’s barrier and prevent further damage with a healthy dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps fade sun spots and can brighten and smooth your complexion overall. Vitamin C applied to the skin acts as a superficial exfoliant and antioxidant, reducing hyperpigmentation, improving signs of fine lines and wrinkles, and prevents damage from free radicals,” says Holmes.

If you aren’t already incorporating vitamin C into your skincare routine, you can start using it daily in the morning to prep your skin and improve your skin tone. As you go about your day, it will work to keep harmful free radicals at bay from environmental stressors which include the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays and pollution.  Vitamin C also helps to reduce fine lines, dark spots, and pores to leave you with a luminous glow.

7. Sleep with a humidifier

Air conditioning and heating can cause your skin to lose moisture, so use a humidifier while you sleep. Central air, a powerful fan, or heating system can also severely dry out skin. Seal in your skincare products during your evening routine with a face oil and then use a humidifier while you snooze to maximize results. A humidifier will add moisture back into the air and your skin will receive signals to not over-produce sebum.

8. Reach for retinol

If you want to improve the way your skin looks and feels, it might be time to incorporate the powerful anti-aging properties of retinol in your routine. Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, and resurfacing ingredient, works to stimulate cell turnover and collagen production, which help improve fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, you’re left with younger looking, softer feeling skin.

Achieving smooth skin doesn’t require a shopping spree for a completely new line of expensive products. Instead, small changes to your daily routine can make a major difference in how your skin looks and feels.

#skin #skinccare #hydration #cleanser #exfoliation #collagen #humidifier #beauty #cosmetics #diet #exercise #sleep #sunscreen #sunglasses #stress #lifestyle #wellbeing #water #hydration #moisturizer #dermatologist #chemicalpeel #laser #ceramide #nightcream #serum #viraminc #retinoid #retinol


  1. Excellent post. Very informative. I’m definitely going to make my own DYI honey mask. 🐝

    1. Many thanks and I am glad to hear that you found it useful. Good luck with the homemade mask.


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