The Benefits of Deep Breathing

by Daniella Miniero (Guest Author - FIT Fashion Business Management) & Dr. Shamil 


We are all surrounded by stress inducing events in our everyday lives, including our obligations to people or work. These tasks can sometimes be extremely overwhelming therefore becoming highly stressful. With all this stress, we need a way to decompress; one that doesn’t involve going to and paying to get a message. This is where deep breathing techniques come in handy.

Practicing the technique of deep breathing is one of the best ways to improve your overall health.

Five results and benefits of deep breathing are as follows:

● Your muscles are able to relax by deep breathing. When you’re deep breathing, you don’t experience physical tension because all your muscles will relax. As well, your muscles will then perform at their best ability because of their increased relaxed state.

● Oxygen delivery throughout your body improves with the practice of deep breathing. When you deep breathe your whole body relaxes; therefore, when you breathe you will notice a difference in the quality of breath. Fresh oxygen is flowing throughout your body cells consequently enhancing the functionality of your body systems, physical stamina, and mental concentration.

● Your blood pressure lowers when you practice deep breathing. When you practice deep breathing, your muscle will let go of any tension and your blood pressure will return to normal, hence the lowering of your blood pressure.

● Endorphins are released as well when you’re deep breathing. This is because practicing deep breathing provides pain-relief and improves feelings of well-being. This then triggers the release of endorphins.

● Detoxification in your body improves with the continued use of deep breathing techniques. Deep breathing helps your lymphatic system to function at its optimal level. According, you release of harmful toxins from your system and cleanse your body.

However, the best benefit of deep breathing exercises is the relief of stress and anxiety. Stress management is the most important practice needed to improve your quality of life and your wellbeing. Healthcare experts believe that deep breathing exercises remains a foundational step that will manage your life’s stresses. When you take short quick breaths, it leads to perspiration, tightening muscles, and rapid heartbeat; therefore, your body will feel all sorts of pain and negative emotions when exposed to stressful situations. As well, when you experience anxiety your body produces cortisol and adrenaline that cause short breaths and rapid heartbeat. Therefore, by practicing deep breathing techniques, you can manage your anxiety and stop yourself from having shortness of breath and increased heartbeat.

When practicing deep breathing exercises, you must make certain that when you breathe in oxygen you are exhaling the carbon dioxide completely. As well, try, as much as you can, to avoid or expose yourself to things that would make you not to breathe properly.

Overall, deep breathing techniques and exercises benefit the body and mind immensely. Next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, try out a breathing technique and you will notice these six benefits that follow with mindful breathing.

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