Avoid Refined Foods

Why You Should Avoid Refined Foods

The more a food is refined, the more you should avoid it. Refined foods are highly processed foods that have been stripped of their original nutrient content and fiber. Refined white flour, white pasta and white sugar are just some examples.

How Refined Foods Affect Hunger

Consider a loaf of sliced white bread. First, the wheat is stripped of bran and fiber, and then it's pulverized into the finest white flour. The baking process puffs it up into light, airy slices of bread. No wonder your stomach makes such quick work of it. A slice of white bread hits your bloodstream with the same jolt you'd get by eating a tablespoon of sugar right from the bowl!

Genuine 100-percent whole-wheat or whole-grain bread, on the other hand — the coarse, chewy kind with a thick crust and visible pieces of grain — puts your stomach to work. It too is made of wheat, but the grains haven't been processed to death. It contains starches, which are just chains of sugars, but they are bound up with the fiber, so digestion takes longer. As a result, the sugars are released gradually into the bloodstream. If there's no sudden surge in blood sugar, your pancreas won't produce as much insulin, and you won't get the exaggerated hunger and cravings for more sugary and starchy carbs.

Refined Foods to Avoid

The following should be avoided or limited in your diet to lose and manage good body weight:

White bread
CrackersCookies (or any baked goods made with white flour or refined wheat flour)
Instant oatmeal or Cream of Wheat
Rice cakes
White pasta
White rice
