
Did you know that there are many health benefits to smiling? A smile can do more for you than simply express emotion. Smiles are powerful. Smiling more often, regardless of your mood, can improve your health and even help you live longer. So what are some of the benefits of smiling?

First, smiling helps build up your immune system

A smile can protect your body from dangerous bacteria and germs. Not only that, but it actually makes our bodies produce more white blood cells, which means a stronger immune system which will protect you from getting sick.

Secondly, smiling can help lower your blood pressure. 

Having a healthy heart will allow you to live longer. Studies show that laughter can lead to an immediate increase in heart rate and oxygen consumption. After you laugh your muscles relax, your heart rate decreases and your blood pressure is lowered. Just think, laughing, and smiling can help decrease your chances of heart disease.

Third, smiling can decrease stress. 

People who experience stress and anxiety know how unpleasant that feeling is. It is caused by cortisol which the body produces more of when under stress. When you are smiling or happy, your brain produces endorphins (your body’s natural, feel-good chemical), dopamine and serotonin. These three neurotransmitters are associated with lowering your anxiety and increasing feelings of happiness by lowering the amount of cortisol in your system. Also, there have been studies that show that when people have to face stressful situations, if they smile, their heart rate is lower than those who face the situation without a smile. So when you are stressed or have anxiety, try and force yourself to smile or laugh. 

Fourth, a smile can help reduce pain. 

Because your body produces endorphins (as mentioned above) laughter actually is the best medicine, as it allows the body to produce its own natural painkillers.

Fifth, smiling makes you feel happy and have better relationships!

These powerful endorphins make you happy and smile. When you smile, you are found to be more likable and attractive. This means you have a better chance of building and maintaining relationships with other people. So if you are lonely or looking to meet new people, remember to put on a smile.

Sixth, smiling is contagious. 

When you smile, others will smile with you. So, it is important to spread happiness with your smile and improve the well-being of others around you.

Concluding Remarks

The smile is a powerful weapon. If BEAUTY is POWER, then a SMILE is a SWORD.

If you are looking to improve your smile or get that Hollywood smile, don't wait. Reach out to a good dentist, preferably a board certified prosthodontist. Remember there is cosmetic dentistry, but no such thing as a cosmetic dentist.

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