Probiotic Supplements - The Good Bacteria

Probiotic Supplements - for overall good health

Not all bacteria is bad – in fact, you need a certain amount of diverse strains to maintain a healthy, functioning system. For example, 70-80 percent of a body’s immune system is made up of gut flora. In order to ensure your stomach has plenty of happy and helpful bacterial strains, many doctors recommend taking probiotic supplements. Adding good bacteria like this helps to protect the digestive tract from the harmful bacteria. Probiotic supplements also help deter against too much bad bacteria, which can inflame and destroy intestinal walls, enter the bloodstream, and trigger a multitude of health issues, such as skin problems, constipation, or depression.

The best probiotic supplements contain at least one billion viable (read: alive) bacteria cultures and are certified by an independent lab for purity and potency. While there’s no single best strain of bacteria, some strains like L. acidophilus or B. bacterium have wide-reaching effects and often act as a starting point from which to add other strains with more specific effects. For example, some supplements are aimed specifically at antibiotic recovery, immune health, and IBS/IBD relief, among other things.

While there’s not a whole lot of research available yet on these helpful friends, did some extra digging, and put together a useful guide on everything you need to know about adding these supplements to your daily diet. Check out what they found out:

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