6 Ways to Look Better on the Beach in 14 Days!

6 Ways to Look Better on the Beach in 14 Days!

Learn how to jumpstart your weight loss and feel better in two weeks

If you have more than 10 pounds to lose and want to look a little better in that bathing suit, please continue reading. It's never too late to lose weight and change your life — and the time to start making some changes to your diet and lifestyle is now! Following the basic healthy eating principles (while getting regular exercise), you'll jumpstart your weight loss and eliminate any cravings. In fact, you'll look and feel better in just two weeks, as you enjoy plenty of lean protein, loads of vegetables and salads, and good unsaturated fats. Read on to find out how to give your weight loss a quick boost as you start your weight-loss journey.

1. Remove all refined starches and sugars from your kitchen

For the next 14 days, you'll remove all starchy and sugary carbs from your pantry, fridge, and freezer in order to stabilize your blood sugar to minimize cravings. That means no bread, pasta, cereal or rice (and of course no cookies, crackers, or other baked goods) and no fruits or fruit juices or products made from them either. You will of course be able to enjoy "good carbs," such as plenty of non-starchy vegetables, including beans and other legumes. Remember, in just two weeks you'll be adding many of these foods back in to your life (not the highly processed junk food, of course) and you'll have far better control over what you eat.

2. Eat often to curb hunger

It's a common misconception among dieters that more meals means more calories, which means weight gain. Not quite true. Eating more frequently can actually keep you from overdoing it and thus help you reach your weight-loss goal. In addition to enjoying three well-balanced meals daily, we recommend you have at least two healthy protein and fiber-rich snacks — one in the mid-morning and another in the mid-afternoon — along with a dessert snack before bedtime, if desired, to keep hunger and cravings at bay. For a satisfying breakfast, enjoy our breadless egg and tomato sandwich and for a savory on-the-go snack, prepare a California Wrap, which uses lettuce leaves as the "wrap."

3. Identify your unhealthy habits

Do you find yourself mindlessly noshing on junk food in front of the TV or at your desk? Do you fail to get 8 hours of sleep each night? Do you dine out more than you eat in? Do you avoid exercise like the plague? Unhealthy habits like these can radically slow your weight loss if they go unrecognized. To break bad habits, keep a journal of your daily activities (including what you eat, how much you exercise, and the number of hours of sleep you get), then focus on making small changes every day (continuing to journal these positive actions). By the end of two weeks, your journal will be a record of how much your habits (and your weight) have improved.

4. Get physical

We all have busy schedules, but dedicating at least 20 minutes to either cardio or core-strengthening exercise on most days will not only help you lose weight faster, it will also give you more energy. For cardio, we recommend interval exercise, in which you alternate short bursts of intense effort with easier recovery periods to catch your breath. To get started, interval walk (or bike or swim) at an easy to moderate pace for about 15 seconds, doing as many short intervals as you are able to with recovery in between. Then, as you get fitter, gradually ramp up your pace and duration until you are walking as fast as you can for up to 60 seconds per interval (don't forget to recover, even if you are fit). For core-strengthening exercises, which focus on toning your abs, back, pelvis and hips, try yoga or Pilates. Just be sure to alternate interval exercise and core-strengthening workouts on different days. You'll be amazed at how much fitter and healthier you'll feel in such a short time.

5. Don’t dwell on setbacks

There will be times when you stray from your weight-loss goals. Don't let such setbacks deter you. Simply take a walk, clear your head, and focus on your final goal of being thinner, healthier, and happier for good. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Often when you're struggling, someone else probably is too. You can find guidance, support, and information on various message boards online.

6. Reward yourself

It's easy to lose sight of the small things and focus only on the big picture when you're trying to lose weight. But don't forget to celebrate all your weight-loss-related successes. Did you brown bag a healthy lunch for an entire week? Pass up a slice of chocolate cake? Good job. You deserve a reward other than that number on the scale. Treat yourself to that new workout outfit you've been eyeing. It will help you stay on track with your fitness routine and look good doing it. Or, give yourself a day at the spa or a long-needed massage. But never forget: your biggest reward of all is simply looking and feeling better.
